Hello there,
It has been awhile since I posted and yes, I have honestly baked this little. Moved to a house with a bad kitchen for baking. But, I found a way the other night and made these, Heart-Shaped Cherry Cheesecakes. Yummy.

I preheated the oven to 350 degrees F and made some crust.
To make the crust I got together:
3/4 cup finely crushed graham crackers
2 Tbs + 1 tsp melted butter
Mix them together and then press them into whatever pan you want to cook it. =) I used a mini-heart cheesecake pan and a bread pan.
Now, take 12 oz of fat-free cream cheese and whip it up until it is smooth.
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbs all-purpose flour
Mix together then add:
4 Tbs lemon juice
2 eggs
Mix everything until it is smooth then pour it on top of the crust.
Bake for 18-20 minutes, then let it sit for 20 minutes.

This is what they looked like without the fruit.
Then I took a can of lite cherry filling and we filled the cheesecakes.

Looks better doesn't it?

One more, just for fun. =)

And then we ate them all. I hope you enjoyed! They really were much better after we put them in the fridge overnight. Cold cheesecake is awesome.
Until next time,